9.5 How about 10 minutes to edit all extensions in AdsPower.

  9. miscellanea

Many of our users have experienced this situation., when you have already installed the SCENUM extension in the antidetect browser and suddenly it becomes necessary to edit some parameters in it. The reasons may be different. Let's say you need to add a new SMS service, connect Github cloud storage or telegram bot, or even if you need to set a new password. In all these cases, you will need to add the required keys and tokens to the credentials.json file.

We know, that in some antidetect browsers, like in Dolphin Anty, all extensions are taken from the same folder, so if you replace this file in the root folder with a new one or edit an existing, then it will be updated immediately in all profiles.

But in some antidetects, the structure of extensions is slightly different and there are some nuances. AdsPower from these browsers. Here the main problem is, that AdsPower copies the original extension to each individual profile folder, and if replace the credentials.json file in one profile, then it will be replaced only and only in this profile, and in others the old file will remain. Uploading a new extension to the extension center will also fail., the extension in the profiles will become inactive and you will need to clean the cabinet from them. (So we don't even recommend trying.) Of course, you can change the extension settings and one at a time, if you have in antiquity before 100 profiles. But if there are more, then it won't be fun at all. Therefore, you need to replace the credientails.json file in all AdsPower profile folders at once. How can this be implemented?

We initially recommend during zip extension request on our website fill in as much data as possible in the fields and upload the extension to the AdsPower extension center. But even if you need to add or change something later, It's OK. In this manual, we will tell you in detail(on the example of two profiles), how can you generate a new credentials.json file and replace the old ones with a new one in all AdsPower profiles at once using our magic script in just ten minutes! 

So, let's go!

  1. To do this, you first need to generate a credentials.json file with the necessary data and save it on your computer.
  • Fill in the fields with relevant data.
  • At the end select credentials.json and click submit.

Here's what it looks like:

As a result, you will receive an email with the credentials.json file. Open this file from the link in the email and right-click to save it somewhere convenient for you on your computer.

Hooray! You have successfully completed the first step. Now let's move on.

2. You should now find the directory on your computer, where are the folders of all AdsPower profiles and collect the names of all folders in one file.

For this you need:

  • manually open any AdsPower profile
  • click the three dots in the top right corner
  • go to More Tools → Extensions
  • on the Scenum extension, click the Details button
  • at the very bottom there will be a path to the extension

Thus, you found the way to expand, but since you need exactly the directory, where can i find all the profiles, from here we take only the first part of the path to the name of this profile and along this path we find the directory with profile folders in the computer.

We made it C:\ADSPOWER_GLOBALcache , and you?

How many AdsPower profiles do you have, so much and will be the number of folders inside.

3. Let's move on to the next step. To do this, in notepad (NotePad) create a file named dir.bat and write the following script inside the file:

chcp 1251

you / b > C:\.ADSPOWER_GLOBALcachefilelist.txt

where is the path in the second line (C:\.ADSPOWER_GLOBALcache) must match the directory path on your computer. Save this file and run(double click) it in the directory with folders of all profiles. If you can not run the file by double clicking, run as administrator right click.

Here's how it should look.

After running, it will collect the names of all folders in a new text file with the name filelist.txt

Next, open this file and inside you will see the names of all AdsPower profile folders. How many profiles do you currently have, so much will be the number of lines inside.

4. There is very little left. Now you just need to create an Excel table and write the following line in it for /d %%g in (D:\1\*) do call copy D:\2\file_name.txt %%g and form strings using the CONCATENATE action. Now everything is step by step and in detail!

We have already created an example of a table with the CONCATENATION function for you, and all that remains is

Open this Google spreadsheet  

  • in a column B(2) paste the names of all folders, which were collected in filelist.txt in the 3rd paragraph
  • according to the 2nd paragraph of the manual, find a way to expand

split the path in two – 1)before and 2) after folder name

  • in a column A(1)  in this design for /d %%g in (D:\1\*) insert the first part of the path before the folder name. We got it like this:

 for /d %%g in (“C:\.ADSPOWER_GLOBALcache

  • in a column C(3) insert first the 2nd part of the path after the folder name
  • and in the 2nd part of the construction do call copy D:\2\file_name.txt %%g instead of D:\2\file_name.txt insert path of credentials.json file, which was saved during the 1st point and which need to replace the old files. In our example it looks like this: C:\UsersAdminDesktopcredentials.json
  • as a result in a column D(4) such a string will be generated and such a string will replace the credentials.json file in the corresponding AdsPower profile folder.

for /d %%g in (“C:\.ADSPOWER_GLOBALcachej56uc26_hcbkn2extensionCenterfc07d44afdfad402c9cd9db55e2040bcprod Scenum. Build at 202108230652 UTC”) do call copy C:\UsersAdminDesktopcredentials.json %%g

5. The last step left is to replace the credentials.json file in all AdsPower profiles at once:

  • Stretch down columns A and C in Excel, so that the number of rows matches the number of profile folder names in the column D.
  • Next, copy all the rows from the column D and paste them into notepad(NotePad) in a column.
  • Save this file with a different name with the extension bat (Here you can specify combinations of categories change.bat) and launch it by double clicking.

And voila! So you have already replaced the credentials.json file. After all these actions, if you find the path to any extension according to our wiki manual or as described above in this article, you will see that the new credentials.json file is already in all AdsPower profiles.