Archives : December-2021

To connect to Indigo / MultiLogin Browser, you need to perform a few manipulations on your router and computer. Namely, forward the port on the router and open the port on the computer. Let's go in order. Port forwarding on Router (if you have air force, then go to step 2) The simplest thing is to look at your router model and in the search engine find a complete instruction “how to forward ..

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Enter your password and click 1. Enter your email address. 2. Click the "Sign up for GitHub" button. 3. Confirm, by clicking on the "Continue" button. 4. Think up and enter a password. 5. Click the "Continue" button. 6. Come up with a unique username. 7. Click the "Continue" button. 8. Enter the Latin letter "n". 9. Click the "Continue" button. 10. Click the "Check" button. 11. Enter your password and click ..

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The RemoveRFA action allows you to upload documents to remove the ban on advertising. You need to select a directory in the cloud storage Github (article on creating a Github account and setting up) with images in idacc.jpg format and the service will match the account ID and upload the necessary image for this account..

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The GenerateImage action allows you to generate an image using two image generation services. The service itself will take the necessary data from the account and use the service to create an image and save it to the specified Github cloud directory in the idacc.jpg format (article on creating a Github account and setting up) 1 – selector for choosing a service for generating images2 – directory on the cloud service Github for saving ..

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Posting – This action allows you to publish posts of different types to your wall, in groups, in FP. 1 – in this option you can create a list of posts.2 – the same list of posts file format.3 – followed by removal from the list – field for entering ID(login) groups/pages for posting.5 – the ability to create and use a list of groups / pages in the format ..

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Random – this action allows you to perform any other actions in any order you choose. 1 – step must be added in order, so that the option settings appear.2 – the type of action is selected from the proposed.3 – здесь вы можете ввести раннее настроенное вами название дей�..

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ParsActive_Tw action – this action allows you to analyze profile activity. 1 – in this item you can enter the desired list of accounts.2 – the same list (1) in file format.3 – analyze likes.4 – analyze comments.5 – Delete content before collection.6 – in this field you can select the desired number of posts for analysis.7 – in this field ..

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