Many of our users have experienced this situation., when you have already installed the SCENUM extension in the antidetect browser and suddenly it becomes necessary to edit some parameters in it. The reasons may be different. Let's say you need to add a new SMS service, connect Github cloud storage or telegram bot, or even if you need to set a new password. In all these cases ..
Category : 9. miscellanea
If you have already uploaded the extension to antidetect (Dolphin, Gologin, Octo, Incogniton) and want to add, for example, a Github token or a telegram bot token, then you need to add this data to your credientails.json extension file. We'll show you the easiest way to find out, where the antidetect stores the extension and this file. This method does not apply to AdsPower antidetect. He needs to act ..
If you have mobile proxies, then you need to add an additional proxy reboot action to the beginning of each script (following a link). Например такой ва�..
To view an article on creating a account and the main functions for working with files in it, go to the link 1. To receive a token, open the profile menu. 2. Select "Settings". 3. Go to "Developer settings". 4. Select "Personal access tokens". 5. Click on the button "Generate new token". 6. Enter your password and click ..
Enter your password and click 1. Enter your email address. 2. Click the "Sign up for GitHub" button. 3. Confirm, by clicking on the "Continue" button. 4. Think up and enter a password. 5. Click the "Continue" button. 6. Come up with a unique username. 7. Click the "Continue" button. 8. Enter the Latin letter "n". 9. Click the "Continue" button. 10. Click the "Check" button. 11. Enter your password and click ..
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