1.2. How Scenum.io works

  1. About the service

Our service is based on a simple and at the same time effective system of interaction between the user's personal account and the browser through the extension installed in this browser.. By installing the extension to the browser, you give the opportunity to send commands from the cabinet. Thus, you can perform any action, which you did manually.
To summarize:
1 You install the extension to the browser
2 In the personal account, this extension / browser starts to be displayed
3 You can send commands to this browser from your personal account.
At this stage, you should only understand the essence of, all sequential actions will be detailed in the following sections.
Thus, all commands from your account will be executed in browsers., in which the extensions are installed. And you can have such browsers 10 and 100 and 10000. You can command to do something in one click. 10000 accounts. And these commands can be lined up in sequence and order.. You can learn about the formation of scripts in the following sections..