2.7 Integration with Octo Browser

  2. Personal Area

To connect to Octo Browser, you need to perform a few manipulations on your router and computer. Namely, forward the port on the router and open the port on the computer. Let's go in order.

  1. Port forwarding on Router (if you have air force, then go to step 2)

The simplest thing is to look at your router model and in the search engine find a complete instruction "how to forward ports in your router model". We need to forward 58888 port. This port is used to work with the Octo Browser API.

  1. We go into the router (usually http://ип router address , login pass by default admin admin
  2. Looking for the Forwarding menu , there we click to add a rule (Add rule)
  1. We indicate any name, TCP protocol, Ports 58888 and indicate the internal address of the computer (it is the internal 192.168.x.x.)
  2. This completes the router setup..

    2. Now we need to open a port on the computer.

    1. Go to command line mode (called from the execute menu - with the cmd command)

2. After entering cmd mode, type powershell there

3. Next, we enter the following script:

New-NetFirewallRule -Name Allow58888 -DisplayName ‘Allow 58888’ -Enabled True -Direction Inbound -Protocol TCP -Action Allow -Profile ANY -LocalPort 58888 -RemoteAddress

Such an inscription should appear:

This completes the port forwarding configuration..

IMPORTANT! You must have a permanent un address. You may need to order this option from your ISP.

Configuring Octo Browser API

In each line of the extension, fill in the configuration for a specific profile, where:

Profile ID is the profile ID Octo Browser.
Antidetect Users Octo Browser can already see the profile ID directly.

At the very bottom of the activity history there will be a profile ID.

After that, your profiles will start and close automatically when you run the script.