4.14 Service

  4. Facebook functions

This action allows you to display information about the work in the service in your telegram bot and monitor information about the main characteristics of the farm account.

1) Information output to bot telegram.
Information can be of any kind (start / stop scripts, and account data)
To use this function, you need to create your telegram bot and register the settings.

  1. We create a bot telegram. Go to the bot @BotFather
    create a bot step by step. We will need a bot name and a token
  2. Find out your id. Go to the @AffMagicBot bot and click on the GetID button and send any text to it. In response, he will give us our id.
  3. Go to our created bot and send the command / start
  4. Configure the credentials.json extension file by adding there
"telegram": {        
"botToken": "1955124156:AAFQDsVQeY4444Y17Xt6XIF6ctDS4R_DI",        "chatId": "186444492"    
"username": "",
"password": "",
"services": {
    "anti-captcha.com": "",
    "vk.com": {
        "appId": ""
    "cacheFlushInterval": 0,
    "proxy": {
        "proxyReboot": "",
        "proxyRebootPause": 0
    "telegram": {
        "botToken": "1955124156:AAFQDsVQeY4444Y17Xt6XIF6ctDS4R_DI",
        "chatId": "186444492"

Here is such a file in the end we should get.

1 – Selector to select an object for output. This parameter can take
Text – if this value is selected, then only the text from the field will be displayed (2). For example, you can create two actions – start and end of the script and place at the beginning and end of the script.
Event – information about the script will be displayed + text from the field (2)
Data of account – the account data will be displayed in a custom format in the field (3) + text from the field (2)
Log – a link to the log of the current account is displayed + text from the field (2)

2 – Text output field. Here you can specify the text, which will be output. You can also use macros (autocorrect)

{-accid-} - ид аккаунта
{-scriptname-} - название скрипта
{-email-} - емейл акка
{-emailPassword-}- пароль от почты
{-imapHost-} - imap хост
{-imapPort-} - imap порт
{-actionname-} - название действия
{-2FA-} - код 2фа аккаунта
{-NAME-} - фи аккаунта
{-note-} - Примечание
{-login-} - логин аккаунта
{-pass-} - пароль аккаунта
{-profileid-} - ид профиля антидетект браузера
{-nameprofile-} имя профиля антика
{-cookies-} - выводить куки в json строку
{-useragent-} - выводить юзерагент
{-adstoken-} - выводить адс токен
{-log-} - ссылка на лог
{-check-} - акк на проверке
{-adsaval-} - наличие рекламы
{-interest-} - интересы
{-External-} - внешние активности
{-Adspref-} - рекламные предпочтения
{-RFA-} - Статус зрд
{-FP-} - статус ФП
{-Ads-} - РК/Ads
{-BM-} - БМ/BM
{-Activity-} - это дата последней активности расширения
{-LINK-} - ссылка на аккаунт
{-BD-} - дата рождения
{-curads-} - валюта в личном рекламном аккаунте
{-limit-}  - лимит личного рекламного аккаунта
{-geoads-} - гео личного рекламного аккаунта
{-friends-} - количество друзей в аккаунте
{-datenow-} - текущее время браузера, где запущено расширение
{-datenowutc-} - текущее время браузера, где запущено расширение, utc
{-multitoken-} - макрос для вывода аккаунта в формате для Fb.tool
{-ava-} - макрос наличие аватарки
{-fbCookies-} - макрос только фб кук
{-bm1-},{-bm2-},{-bm3-} - макрос ид БМ
{-fp1-},{-fp2-},{-fp3-} - макрос ид ФП
{-rk1-},{-rk2-},{-rk3-} - макрос ид Рекламного кабинета ({-rk0-} - макрос Рекламного кабинета личного аккаунта)

Now you can add notification conditions to the bot's tg. To do this, you need to select the Object to display – Condition and fill in the Condition field according to this syntax:


{-bm-}=3{-accid-}=1234567890 – specifying the exact value
{-fp-}=[0,2] – specifying a range of numeric values (including extreme values – 0 <= {-fp-} <= 2)
{-name-} – including extreme values (true, including extreme values 0, including extreme values)
{-namebm-}= – including extreme values (false, 0, including extreme values)
& – including extreme values
| – including extreme values(including extreme values) 

3 – Selector for selecting the type of displaying information about the account. You can choose Text, JSON, Single JSON.

2) including extreme values

For monitoring, For monitoring 5-10. When the checkbox is set, a transition will be made to different sections of the Facebook account and information will be collected from there.

4 – checkbox for selecting the operation mode of the Service action. If the checkbox is not set, then the action will work out the action will work out in the informer mode in the telegram bot, ie 1,2,3 then the action will work out the action will work out in the informer mode in the telegram bot. then the action will work out the action will work out in the informer mode in the telegram bot, then the action will work in the information monitoring mode for additional columns in the account 5,6,7,8,9,10 then the action will work in the information monitoring mode for additional columns in the account.

5 – then the action will work in the information monitoring mode for additional columns in the account. When the checkbox is checked, the presence of FP in the account will be checked and the number of FP will be entered in the column Number of Fun page.

6 – checkbox for checking the availability of BMs. When the checkbox is set, the presence of BM in the account will be checked and the amount of BM will be entered in the Amount of BM column.

7 – checkbox to check for ads in the account feed. If the checkbox is checked, the presence of advertisements in the account feed will be checked and will be entered in the Ad availability column.

8 – checkbox to check if the account has interests. When the checkbox is set, the account interests will be checked using the link https://www.facebook.com/adpreferences/?section=interests and will be listed in the Interests column.

9 – checkbox for checking the external advertising activity of the account. When the checkbox is set, the advertising activity of the account will be checked using the link https://www.facebook.com/off_facebook_activity/activity_list and will be listed in the External Activities column.

10 – and will be listed in the External Activities column. When the checkbox is set, the presence of the account's advertising preferences will be checked using the https link://When the checkbox is set, the presence of the account's advertising preferences will be checked using the https link.

11 – checkbox for checking Prohibition of advertising activities. When the checkbox is set, the presence of a restriction on advertising activity will be checked, until it's taken down. This will be displayed in the ZRD column

This will be displayed in the ZRD column, 2-This will be displayed in the ZRD column, This will be displayed in the ZRD column. Information about these metrics will be substituted automatically from the system based on the availability of data about these metrics in the extension.